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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Preparedness. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, 08 September 2015


CDC Infographic


Note: This is day 8 of National Preparedness Month.  Follow this year’s campaign on Twitter by searching for the #NatlPrep hash tag.  This month, as part of NPM15, I’ll be rerunning some updated  preparedness essays, along with some new ones.




Despite years of campaigns by FEMA, Ready.gov, and the Red Cross to try to get Americans prepared for disasters (see America’s Preparathon! : It Started Like Any Other Day), polling shows that half of American families remain ill prepared to deal with even a 3-day disruption in essential services like electrical power, water, or the ability to run to the grocery store.  


Those that say they are prepared often overestimate their ability to fend for themselves during a prolonged crisis.


Which is why, for many years, I’ve given preparedness gifts to family and friends in lieu of the traditional ugly sweater, necktie, or boxed meat and cheese selection for birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays. I first started blogging this concept back in 2007 (see Hickory Farms Will Hate Me For This), and have updated the list every year since then.


Products mentioned below are to provide a general idea of the type of gift, and should not be viewed as an endorsement of one brand over another. I often find these gifts on sale in discount stores, bargain basements, and flea markets, and stock up whenever I come across a good deal.


Sometimes I make the gifts myself, as when several years back I put together some first aid kits, and distributed them to a number of friends and relatives. You can either put one together yourself, or purchase one already assembled.  There is no substitute for having a well stocked first aid kit when you need one.


A couple of years ago I also bought several 5 gal. buckets (with lids) from a home improvement store, along with mylar bags and oxygen absorbers from Amazon, and put together some long-term food storage buckets for friends.  


Cost per bucket?  About $30.  But enough food to keep two people going for a week or more in an emergency.  


Anyone who knows me knows that I have a particular interest in (ok, its more of a compulsion to buyLED flashlights and lanterns.  In 2006 I lucked upon a closeout bin of cheap imported `shake flashlights’ for .77 cents each, and bought out the store (40 of them, 38 of which I gave as gifts).


A couple of years later I ran across a deal on LED headlamps, and bought about 20 of them for $2 apiece.  The following year, I found LED Cap lights (they clip to the bill of a baseball style cap) for $3 each, which I confess I like even better.


And it seems each year the LED lanterns get lighter, brighter, and cheaper. 


This year I ran across a display of LED light sticks, with three modes of light, and a built in whistle.  The button batteries promise 200 hrs of running, but even if they last half that, at $3 each they were a bargain.  I bought 5 to test out.  One for my car, one for my bug out bag, and three for stocking stuffers.


My collection of LED lights continues to grow, and the best part is none of the items pictured below cost me more than $5 each.


Every home should have a battery operated radio, yet many do not. A few years ago I bought my daughter a combination windup-battery-solar AM/FM/SW radio for under $40, and she uses it every day.  I have larger windup Baygen shortwave radio for my own use, plus several small battery operated radios.


I also found a combination AM/FM Weather ALERT radio at a discount store for under $20. Again, every home and business should have an emergency alert radio.

NOAA Radio

Last year I upgraded my FRS radios from my old Motorola Walkabout T5000s to a pair of Motorola MJ270R 22-Channel Two-Way Radios.  They not only have a built in NOAA Weather Radio, they each have an LED Flashlight as well (nirvana!).


My old T5000s still work, so they will be handed out to neighbors in the event of a local crisis, to help with neighborhood communications.


A couple of years ago  I bought several water filtration systems, one to keep and a couple to give to prepping buddies.  LifeStraw ® is now available in the United States and Canada; at just 2 ounces, this personal water filter will reportedly filter 1000 liters down to .2 microns. Not bad for around $20.


Speaking of water, having a way to store enough water for three days (1 gal/person/day) is essential. A family of 4 will need at least 12 gallons for 72 hours.   Personally, I keep enough on hand for a couple of weeks.  While there are plenty of `free options’ – like rinsed and recycled 2-liter plastic soda bottles or other food-safe plastic jugs – you can also buy collapsible 5 gallon containers.


I also picked up a few single burner Propane stove units on sale for $10 each. Add a couple of 1 pound propane cylinders (about $3 each) and you can cook for a week. 


I also buy a  few magnesium fire starters each year (at $4 each) which will end up as stocking stuffers.



As I’ve described in  Preparedness: Solar Power On A Budget, it is a relatively easy task to set up a simple solar charging system. No, you won’t keep the A/C or refrigerator running on a budget system, but you can keep your LED lantern batteries, cell phone, iPod or iPad, or notebook computer running.


I’m seeing reasonably priced `briefcase’ solar panels – often for between $50 and $80 – that, when unfolded, can charge a 12 volt storage battery with up to 13 watts of power.  Add a $20 inverter (converts 12 volt battery power to 120v AC), and you can do a heck of a lot.


If I didn’t already have a couple of more powerful panels left over from my sailboat, I’d seriously consider one of these.


Typical 13 watt Solar System

Speaking of inverters, I have a 400 watt unit for my solar setup, but I’ve also just purchased an 80 watt cigarette lighter inverter for my car.  It can power a small laptop, and has a USB charger port as well.  Under $20. A few of these will end up in the stockings of friends this year. .


And for under $10, you can pick up a cigarette lighter USB charger, that can top off your phone or mobile device.


Something as simple, and as utilitarian, as a multifunction `Swiss’ army knife or a `Multi-tool’ makes a great preparedness gift.

swiss knife


Another inexpensive gift idea that is handy every flu season, and could be even more valuable during an epidemic – is for under $10 you can buy a box of exam gloves, and a box of facemasks.


Several years ago Joel over at Preparedness and Response came up with what I consider to be an excellent preparedness idea, giving USB flash drives to family and friends and instructions on how to back up their important papers and documents.


Inexpensive USB Drives start under $10.


He explains it in  his essay Helping others prepare (Personal Preparedness), where he gives his rationale for going with the durable mil-spec and encrypted, but fairly pricey IronKey brand.


My thanks to Joel for a terrific idea. 


These are all useful, indeed, potentially lifesaving items, that most people simply don't think about buying fror themselves until it is too late.


Giving them as gifts, instead of more traditional items, not only helps prepare the people you love and care about for an emergency, it opens the door for conversations about pandemic and disaster preparedness.


We need to cultivate a culture of preparedness in this country, and around the world.


We can start doing that, one gift at a time.

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Hadith Prophet Muhammad

It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu’minin, Abu Hafs ‘Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, say: “Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah) , so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who was the servant of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, reported that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said: “None of you truly believes (in Allah and in His religion) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

About History

The urgent of reading history is that we become aware of his past life, progress and destruction of a nation, understand the wisdom behind the nation's history, feel the love, angry, sad, all within the scope of history. Because history is an art. Art is beauty. So people who do not know history, its own history, at least then he would not know the beauty of the wheel of life that applies to every person.

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