Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015


# 10,358


From this week’s FluView report we’ve news of the third novel flu detection in the United States for 2015, which should serve as a reminder that good farm biosecurity needs to extend beyond just the chicken coop and into the other barns as well.

The two previoius cases this year were both swine variant H1N1v, with one case (fatal) report last May from Ohio (see FluView Week 17: Fatal Swine Variant (H1N1v) Case In Ohio) and one mild case from Minnesota reported in late January (see FluView Week 3: Senior Hospitalizations Soar & H1N1v In Minnesota).

This from today’s FluView Report.


Novel Influenza A Viruses:

One human infection with a novel influenza A virus was reported by the state of Minnesota. The person was infected with an influenza A (H3N2) variant (H3N2v) virus and was hospitalized as a result of their illness. No human-to-human transmission has been identified and the case reported close contact with swine in the week prior to illness onset.

Early identification and investigation of human infections with novel influenza A viruses are critical so that risk of infection can be more fully appreciated and appropriate public health measures can be taken. Additional information on influenza in swine, variant influenza infection in humans, and strategies to interact safely with swine can be found at


The CDC describes Swine Variant viruses in their Key Facts FAQ.

What is a variant influenza virus?

When an influenza virus that normally circulates in swine (but not people) is detected in a person, it is called a “variant influenza virus.” For example, if a swine origin influenza A H3N2 virus is detected in a person, that virus will be called an “H3N2 variant” virus or “H3N2v” virus.


Up until about six years ago the CDC only received 1 or 2 swine variant infection reports each year.  In 2010, that number jumped to 8, and in 2011 to 12.  In 2012 we saw more than 300 cases – mostly mild - and nearly all associated with exposure to pigs at state and local agricultural fairs. 


The number of detections has dropped off markedly the past couple of years, but we continue to see sporadic cases. 


While occasional cases are not particularly alarming, we keep an eye on these viruses because they belong to the same subtypes as do human flus (H1, H2 & H3), and presumably would  need less of an evolutionary leap to adapt to humans than avian flu strains. 


The CDC’s FAQ states:


Why are human infections with variant viruses of concern?

Influenza viruses that infect pigs may be different from human influenza viruses. Thus, influenza vaccines made against human influenza viruses are generally not expected to protect people from influenza viruses that normally circulate in pigs. In addition, because pigs are susceptible to avian, human and swine influenza viruses, they potentially may be infected with influenza viruses from different species (e.g., ducks and humans) at the same time. If this happens, it is possible for the genes of these viruses to mix and create a new virus that could spread easily from person-to-person. This type of major change in the influenza A viruses is known as antigenic shift. Antigenic shift results when a new influenza A virus to which most people have little or no immune protection infects humans. If this new virus causes illness in people and can be transmitted easily from person-to-person, an influenza pandemic can occur. This is what happened in 2009 when an influenza A H1N1 virus with swine, avian and human genes emerged in the spring of 2009 and caused the first pandemic in more than 40 years.


For more on swine variant influenza, you may wish to revisit:


Keeping Our Eyes On The Prize Pig

Waiting For The Next Flu To Drop

Fair Biosecurity & H3N2 In North Dakota Show Pigs

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Hadith Prophet Muhammad

It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu’minin, Abu Hafs ‘Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, say: “Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah) , so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who was the servant of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, reported that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said: “None of you truly believes (in Allah and in His religion) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

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The urgent of reading history is that we become aware of his past life, progress and destruction of a nation, understand the wisdom behind the nation's history, feel the love, angry, sad, all within the scope of history. Because history is an art. Art is beauty. So people who do not know history, its own history, at least then he would not know the beauty of the wheel of life that applies to every person.

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