Jumat, 05 Februari 2016

Cara Membuat Setup Makaroni
Olahan masakan dari pasta makaroni bisa mencoba resep setup makaroni khas Solo berikut ini. Olahan makaroni yang direbus empuk lalu dimasak berkuah susu bertabur keju ini konon digemari para bangsawan di masa kolonial Belanda. Menu kuliner enak asli Solo ini sering disajikan saat acara keraton surakarta maupun acara pesta pernikahan bahkan acara-acara hajatan lainnya.

Kuah susu membuat kuahnya menjadi lebih sedap dan creamy, makaroni yang empuk namun tidak lembek dengan taburan keju menjadi hidangan yang spesial beserta paduan daging ayam, kocokan telur, serta bumbu merica dan pala.

Perispan Bahan Bumbu Setup Makaroni
  • 225 gram makaroni direbus cukup hingga empuk saja atau tidak sampai lembek
  • 200 gram daging ayam dipotong dadu, lalu rebus hingga matang
  • 3 buah sosis ayam dipotong korek
  • 2 butir telur dikocok lepas
  • 1 buah bawang bombay dipotong dadu
  • 2 siung bawang putih
  • 400 ml susu cair
  • 1 liter air
  • 1,5 sdt garam
  • 1 sdt gula pasir
  • 1 sdt merica
  • 1 sdt pala bubuk
  • 1 sdm margarin untuk menumis
  • keju cheddar diparut seperlunya
Cara Membuat Setup Makaroni
  1. Panaskan margarin, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga harum. Masukkan daging ayam dan sosis, aduk rata kemudian tuang susu cair dan 1 liter air, beri garam, gula, merica, dan pala bubuk.
  2. Aduk-aduk dan masak hingga mendidih, lalu masukkan makaroni yang sudah direbus dan kocokan telur, aduk-aduk dan masak sebentar hingga telur matang dan berbulir lalu matikan api. Angkat dan tuang setup makaroni dalam mangkuk saji serta sajikan hangat dengan taburan keju parut di atasnya.

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Hadith Prophet Muhammad

It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu’minin, Abu Hafs ‘Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, say: “Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah) , so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who was the servant of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, reported that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said: “None of you truly believes (in Allah and in His religion) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

About History

The urgent of reading history is that we become aware of his past life, progress and destruction of a nation, understand the wisdom behind the nation's history, feel the love, angry, sad, all within the scope of history. Because history is an art. Art is beauty. So people who do not know history, its own history, at least then he would not know the beauty of the wheel of life that applies to every person.

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