Jumat, 12 Februari 2016

# 11,003

The World Health Organization has updated their travel information, once again emphasizing that WHO is not recommending any travel or trade restrictions related to Zika virus disease.

The remainder of their advice, when compared to that which we've seen issued by many other public health agencies, comes across as noticeably less urgent in tone.

While the CDC strongly urges pregnant women avoid travel to Zika prone areas, the WHO advises pregnant women consult their health care provider first, and `consider delaying travel'

Information for travellers visiting Zika affected countries

12 February 2016 

Travellers should stay informed about Zika virus and other mosquito-borne diseases and consult their local health or travel authorities if they are concerned.

Based on available evidence, WHO is not recommending any travel or trade restrictions related to Zika virus disease. Countries reporting sporadic Zika infections in travellers arriving from affected countries pose little, if any, risk of onward transmission.

As a precautionary measure, some national governments may make public health and travel recommendations to their own populations, based on their assessment of the available evidence and local risk factors.

Precautionary measures for pregnant women and women considering pregnancy

Based on the latest evidence that Zika virus infection during pregnancy may be linked to microcephaly in newborns, WHO is issuing further precautionary travel advice to women who are pregnant and their sexual partners.

Women who are pregnant should discuss their travel plans with their health care provider and consider delaying travel to any area where locally acquired Zika infection is occurring. 

Zika virus is spread by mosquitoes, and not by person-to-person contact, though a small number of cases of sexual transmission have been documented.

Zika has been found in human semen. Two reports have described cases where Zika has been transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. 

Until more is known about the risk of sexual transmission, all men and women returning from an area where Zika is circulating - especially pregnant women and their partners - should practice safe sex, including through the correct and consistent use of condoms.
All travellers, including pregnant women, going to an area where locally acquired Zika infection is occurring should adhere closely to steps that can prevent mosquito bites during the trip. These include:
  • using insect repellent: repellents may be applied to exposed skin or to clothing, and should contain DEET. Repellents must be used in strict accordance with the label instructions;
  • wearing clothes (preferably light-coloured) that cover as much of the body as possible;
  • using physical barriers such as screens, closed doors and windows;
  • sleeping under mosquito nets, especially during the day, when Aedes mosquitoes are most active; and
  • identifying and eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites, by emptying, cleaning or covering containers that can hold even small amounts of water, such as buckets, vases, flower pots and tyres.


After going 8 days without reporting any MERS cases, the Saudi MOH announces two today, one of which (M,34, Najran) has already died.  The second case (M,41, Al-Kharj) is listed in stable condition.

The likely exposure of the fatal case is still under investigation, but the Al Kharj case is listed as a Household Contact - Indirect Contact with Camel. It is likely this person is connected to the 47 y.o. male with camel contact from Al-Kharj reported on January 27th.
In what is hopefully part of an ongoing trend, Saudi Arabia has now gone more than four months without reporting a large hospital-related MERS outbreak. The last one of any size was in Riyadh last summer.  


The WHO's Dr Marie-Paule Kieny held a press conference this morning in Geneva on the plans to develop pharmaceuticals and diagnostics for the Zika virus. During this 35 minute presser Dr. Kieny also fielded a wide variety of reporter's questions on the evidence of links between Zika and Microcephaly and GBS, as well as the evolution of the virus.

Dr. Kieny stressed that while a number of firms are researching a vaccine, it will likely be  18 months before widespread trials can begin.  There are hopes that a prophylactic treatment - as exists for malaria - could be developed sooner. 

Vector control is another issue the WHO is looking at, and they find that biological approaches like Wolbachia (see A Mosquito STD To Fight Dengue) or genetically modified mosquitoes (see Brave New Mosquito) to be promising avenues of research. 

As to the time to establish a link between Zika and Microcephaly and GBS, Dr. Kieny spoke in terms of a `few weeks to a few months'. There is a relatively large cohort of pregnant women in Columbia with Zika exposure whose births will be monitored, and we should have better answers in the next month or so.

You'll find Dr. Kieny's prepared remarks below (via email), but you'll glean far more from the 35 minute audio file.

Dr Kieny was speaking at a press conference in Geneva today 12 February 2016

The audio file of her press conference can be found:

Direct link: http://terrance.who.int/mediacentre/presser/WHO-RUSH_Zika_research_presser_KIENYm_UNOG_12FEB2016.mp3

Good morning:

As you know, our relatively poor knowledge of the Zika virus presents a series of challenges for R&D.  However, I am pleased to say that, based on our experience with R&D during the West Africa Ebola epidemic, WHO’s R&D response is proceeding very quickly for Zika.

After Ebola, WHO began to draw up a master plan for R&D to both prepare for health emergencies and to be able to mount a fast R&D response in case of need.  The R&D Blueprint – as the initiative is called – aims to accelerate the availability of medical countermeasures during epidemics and limit damage as much as possible.  We now have established critical paths for coordinated action, and industry interest in providing platform technologies for the development of medical products.

We have already identified a large number of manufacturers and research institutions either involved in the development of medical tools for Zika, or interested in embarking on such research.

Apart from what has already appeared in the press, numerous other groups are looking at the feasibility of initiating animal or human testing, particularly for vaccines and diagnostics.

For vaccines:
• The landscape is evolving very rapidly and numbers change daily.  About 15 companies/groups have been identified so far, most have only just started work.
• Two vaccine candidates seem to be more advanced: a DNA vaccine from the US National Institutes for Health, and an inactivated product from Bharat Biotech, in India.
• The current absence of standardized animal models and reagents is slowing down development.

In spite of this encouraging landscape, vaccines are at least 18 months away from large-scale trials. 

For Diagnostics:

  • 10 biotech companies have been identified so far that can provide nucleic acid or serological tests.  Nucleic acid tests are based on a molecular technique used to detect a virus in the blood; serological tests measure the levels of antibodies as a result of exposure to a particular virus
  • 10 other companies are at various stages of development.
  • It is important to point out, however, that none of these tests have been independently validated and none have regulatory approval.
  • The biggest task in the area of diagnostics will probably be to ensure an adequate reference method is used by manufacturers when generating their data, so that the performance of the various Zika diagnostics can be tested through an independent assessment. This will help prevent the distribution of poor quality or fake Zika tests that are sure to come up rapidly – as was the case with Ebola. 

Laboratory based Zika diagnostics (mostly non-commercial) are already playing an important role to better understand this outbreak, however, new validated and broadly available diagnostics are urgently needed to step up research, clinical management and surveillance. Although it is difficult to predict the time for the first commercial and independently validated tests to be available, we are talking weeks and not years.

WHO will continue working on landscape analyses for diagnostics and vaccines, as well as therapeutics, and innovative vector control measures.  These analyses will be published on our web site in the next two weeks.

Immediately after, we will convene independent experts to gauge which of these products seem the most promising as they move to the testing phase.

At the same time, WHO is developing what is called “target product profiles” for these medical tools – for example, what may be the best characteristics for a vaccine to immunize women of child-bearing age?

In terms of diagnostics, we need to understand which type of product – nucleic acid, serologic, rapid test, etc. – will best serve our purposes.  We should have target product profiles ready in the next weeks.

In the area of therapeutics, studies are being carried out on medicines and other therapies that could prevent infection in vulnerable groups, especially pregnant women, as is done for malaria.   This seems for the moment a more viable and faster option than a curative treatment.

For vector control, innovative methods seem promising options – biological approaches for example, such as the controlled release of bacteria to prevent viral replication in mosquitoes; or genetic approaches, such as the release of genetically modified mosquitoes to reduce the mosquito population.

In terms of what happens afterwards, when potential products reach an advanced stage of testing and show promising data: we have in place the WHO Emergency Assessment and Listing procedure for the use of experimental products during an epidemic.  This accelerated assessment process was established during the Ebola epidemic and aims to ensure that products meet acceptable levels of quality, safety and efficacy – even if evaluation is fast-tracked - before they are rolled out in countries.

We will also provide support to countries wishing to register proven products to compress the time it takes to carry out ethical and regulatory reviews, so that these tools become available rapidly.

Thank you 
Seekor semut yang pikirannya tersusun dalam rencana teratur, sedang mencari-cari madu ketika seekor capung hinggap menghisap madu dari bunga itu. Capung itu melesat pergi untuk kemudian datang kembali.

Kali ini Si Semut berkata,
“Kau ini hidup tanpa usaha, dan kau tak punya rencana. Karena kau tak punya tujuan nyata ataupun kira-kira, apa pula ciri utama hidupmu dan kapan pula berakhir?”
Kata Si Capung,
“Aku bahagia, dan aku mencari kesenangan, ini jelas ada dan nyata. Tujuanku adalah tanpa tujuan. Kau boleh merencanakan sekehendakmu; kau tak bisa meyakinkanku bahwa ada yang lebih berharga daripada yang kulakukan ini. Kaulaksanakan saja rencanamu, dan aku rencanaku.”
Semut berpikir,
“Yang tampak padaku ternyata tak tampak olehnya. Ia tahu apa yang terjadi pada semut. Aku tahu apa yang terjadi pada capung. Ia laksanakan rencananya, aku laksanakan rencanaku.”
Dan semutpun berlalu, sebab ia telah memberikan teguran sebaik-baiknya dalam masalah itu.
Beberapa waktu sesudah itu, mereka pun bertemu lagi.
Si Semut menemukan kedai tukang daging, dan ia berdiri di bawah meja tumpuan daging dengan bijaksana, menunggu saja apa yang mungkin datang padanya.
Si Capung, yang melihat daging merah dari atas, menukik dan hinggap diatasnya. Pada saat itu pula, parang tukang daging berayun dan membelah capung itu menjadi dua.
Separoh tubuhnya jatuh di lantai dekat kaki semut itu. Sambil menangkap bangkai itu dan mulai menyeretnya ke sarang, semut itu berkata kepada dirinya sendiri.
“Rencananya tamat sudah, dan rencanaku terus berjalan. Ia laksanakan rencananya -sudah berakhir, Aku laksanakan rencanaku -mulai berputar. Kebanggaan tampaknya penting, nyatanya hanya sementara. Hidup memakan, berakhir dengan dimakan. Ketika aku katakan hal ini, yang mungkin dipikirkannya adalah bahwa aku suka merusak kesenangan orang lain.”
Kisah yang hampir serupa ditemukan juga dalam karya Attar, Kitab Ketuhanan, meskipun penerapannya agak berbeda. Versi ini dikisahkan oleh seorang darwis Bokhara dekat makam Al-Syah, yakni Bahaudin Naqsibandi, enam puluh tahun yang lalu. Sumbernya adalah buku catatan seorang Sufi yang disimpan dalam Masjid Agung di Jalalabad.
Resep Es Gabus (Es Busa)
Resep Es Gabus - Sering disebut juga Es Busa merupakan varian jajanan warung atau jajanan sekolah yang populer di masanya bahkan masih diminati hingga sekarang. Olahan dari tepung hunkwe ini rasanya memang sangat enak dan segar, sepintas keras karena es beku tetapi lembut dan empuk atau bertektur seperti gabus atau busa saat digigit. Aneka rasa pada masing-masing warna semakin memikat sehingga untuk dijual pun bisa diandalkan.

Cara membuat es gabus memang cukup mudah dibuat sendiri di rumah, tetapi sensasinya sangat dapat memuaskan penikmatnya. Bentuk dan tekstur serta lapisan warna-warninya seperti kue lapis sebelum dibekukan, tetapi setelah dibekukan empuk dan krenyesnya sering juga disebut sebagai es kue, es lapis, es roti, hingga es pelangi karena tampilan aneka warnanya yang menarik.

Selain variasi warna, es busa gabus juga biasa diolah dengan aneka rasa lainnya, seperti coklat, pandan, variasi buah, mutiara maupun kacang hijau dan lain sebagainya. Jajanan es ini sering dipasangan dengan es mambo, salah satunya bisa dilihat pada Resep Es Mambo Coklat.

Persiapan Bahan Bikin Es Gabus Busa
  • 150 gram tepung hunkwe
  • 250 gram gula pasir
  • 1200 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 1 sdm pasta mangga atau sesuai selera
Cara Membuat Es Gabus (Es Busa)
Cara Membuat Es Gabus (Es Busa)
  1. Pertama-tama kita bagi terlebih dahulu bahan-bahan es gabus menjadi 2 bagian, atau bisa disesuaikan dengan berapa lapisan yang diinginkan. Untuk masing-masing lapisan, siapkan mangkuk atau wadah lalu campur dan aduk rata tepung hunkwe beserta sedikit saja santan sekedar untuk melarutkan.
  2. Sementara itu setelah bahan dibagi, kita awali dengan lapisan pertama. Panaskan santan, gula dan garam untuk warna putih (tambahkan pasta atau pewarna kue untuk warna lainnya) sambil diaduk rata hingga mendidih, baru kemudian masukkan larutan hunkwe tadi. Aduk terus hingga mengental, lalu matikan api dan tuang adonan ke dalam loyang serta ratakan.
  3. Lanjutkan membuat lapisan berikutnya dengan cara yang sama, kemudian tuang ke loyang di atas adonan pertama serta ratakan. Diamkan adonan hingga dingin terlebih dahulu, setelah cukup dingin keluarkan dari loyang dan potong-potong.
  4. Bungkus dengan palstik dan lipat, simpan dalam freezer semalam atau hingga beku dan mengeras. Es gabus atau es busa telah siap untuk disantap dingin.

# 11,000

Last month, in Monkeypox Outbreak Reported In Central African Republic we looked at what was apparently a small outbreak of the virus - now quashed according to local reports - in the Bangassou district, an area on the north bank of the Mbomou River which serves as a border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). 

Over the past 24 hours, reports of several outbreaks of Monkeypox have been coming out of the DRC (although their Health Ministry site makes no mention of it), including 51 recent cases in Bas-Uéle (350 km from the CAR outbreak).
While small monkeypox outbreaks are not unusual in central Africa (the DRC reported 20 cases in September 2015), today's report suggests a much larger, and wider spread outbreak. Reportedly nearly 200 cases have emerged in the past few weeks. 

This report from the

Aketi / Bas Uélé: Reappearance of the outbreak of monkeypox

The outbreak of monkeypox, a viral disease similar to smallpox surfaced in Aketi territory of the province of Bas-Uélé, where 51 new cases were recorded in the first week of February current. 

Also known as monkey pox, the disease has already killed two people, alerted Tuesday, February 9 aware of the area Medical Officer Aketi, Dr Innocent Akonda. In the process, he says that thirteen cases are diagnosed in the Bombongolo health area, fifteen in that of Aboso and twenty-one other in the twelve other health areas of the territory.

According to several local sources, the situation is alarming and requires immediate intervention. With the new cases, the health area is already 195 cases including 8 deaths, said Dr. Innocent Akonda.

For Dr. Innocent Akonda, this highly contagious disease spread in the Aketi health area because of several difficulties that do not facilitate the fight against the monkeypox virus.
These difficulties became almost a brake for better medical care to the population, he has cited the lack of qualified medical personnel and lack of adequate sanitation.

(Continue . . . )

Credit CDC

Monkeypox is a rare virus, endemic in monkeys and rodents in central Africa, that produces a remarkably `smallpox looking'  illness in humans. although not as deadly. Human monkeypox was first identified in 1970 in the DRC, and since then has sparked small, sporadic outbreaks in the Congo Basin and Western Africa.

The name `monkeypox’  is a bit of a misnomer. It was first detected (in 1958) in laboratory monkeys, but further research has revealed its host to be rodents or possibly squirrels.

Humans can contract it in the wild from an animal bite or direct contact with the infected animal’s blood, body fluids, or lesions, but consumption of undercooked bushmeat is also suspected as an infection risk.

Human-to-human transmission is also possible.  This from the CDC’s Factsheet on Monkeypox:
The disease also can be spread from person to person, but it is much less infectious than smallpox. The virus is thought to be transmitted by large respiratory droplets during direct and prolonged face-to-face contact. In addition, monkeypox can be spread by direct contact with body fluids of an infected person or with virus-contaminated objects, such as bedding or clothing.

According to the CDC there are two distinct genetic groups (clades) of monkeypox virus—Central African and West African. West African monkeypox is associated with milder disease, fewer deaths, and limited human-to-human transmission.
In 1996-97, an unusually large outbreak occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo (see Eurosurveillance Report), infecting more than 500 in the Katako-Kombe and Lodja regions.  Mortality rates were lower for this outbreak (1.5%) than earlier ones, but this was the biggest, and longest duration outbreak on record.

Somewhat famously, in 2003 the United States saw an outbreak (of the milder, West African clade) that affected 47 confirmed and probable cases across six states—Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin - all of whom had contact with infected prairie dogs purchased as pets.
These pets became infected when an animal distributor imported hundreds of small animals from Ghana, which in turn infected prairie dogs that were subsequently sold to the public (see MMWR Update On Monkeypox 2003).

While still considered a geographically limited threat, in 2010 a study that appeared in PNAS warned that the incidence of human monkeypox infection was increasing, and that it posed a potential risk well beyond localized outbreaks in Africa.

Given the size, and quick spread of this latest outbreak, we'll continue to check in on it in the days and weeks ahead.

Kamis, 11 Februari 2016

Credit CDC


Each year the United States sees – on average – 60 to 80 major disasters (see FEMA list), and thousands of Americans are beset by smaller emergencies each day, and yet most remain woefully unprepared to deal with the unexpected. 

Which is why I promote preparedness gifts for the holidays (see Holiday Preparedness Stocking Stuffers) each year in this blog. 

While maybe not to the exclusion of jewelry or flowers, a first aid kit, a flashlight, a water filter, or a weather radio make wonderful birthday, anniversary, and Valentines gifts, and show you really care. 

For a list of some of the preparedness items I've given over the years, you might wish to revisit #NatlPrep - The Gift Of Preparedness.

To validate your Valentine's theme, the APHA (American Public Health Association) has a growing list of free e-cards that incorporate preparedness advice into the traditional Valentine’s Day message.

I've reprinted a couple I really like, but follow the link below to view, and send, an appropriate card from their much larger selection.

Get ready with one of our free e-cards!
If you're a fan of APHA's Get Ready campaign, we know you love to be prepared as much as we do. To help you spread the message, we created some Get Ready e-cards so that you can share the importance of preparedness with your loved ones.
Browse our cards below. When you find one you'd like to send, click on the image. From there, you can share the card with friends and family!

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Hadith Prophet Muhammad

It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu’minin, Abu Hafs ‘Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, say: “Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah) , so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who was the servant of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, reported that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said: “None of you truly believes (in Allah and in His religion) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

About History

The urgent of reading history is that we become aware of his past life, progress and destruction of a nation, understand the wisdom behind the nation's history, feel the love, angry, sad, all within the scope of history. Because history is an art. Art is beauty. So people who do not know history, its own history, at least then he would not know the beauty of the wheel of life that applies to every person.

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